Be Your Own Medicine
An educational guide to discover and learn how you work, and how you heal on all levels. Decipher the messages your body is telling you, and shift out of limited beliefs that bind you to chronic illness and pain.

Disease is disconnection from self, others, and nature
It’s time to commit to you and own your health. Learn to listen to your inner authority and the wisdom of the body. Transformation begins within, join Be Your Own Medicine, and remember who you are.
The courses
Designed to unlock your healing power
Each course provides a three-month container to get to know all of you, while unlearning old paradigms and incorporating practical resources to empower you to feel vibrant and whole

The Paradigms
The old vs the new
The medicine of the future operates from a new paradigm. The solutions for healing come from shifting perspectives and understanding the root of the problem.
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
Old paradigm beliefs
- You are broken and need fixing
- Solutions are found outside of you
- You need a medical degree to know your own health
- Health and healing is linear
- Symptoms are treated over systems
- Pharmaceuticals are the answer
- Healing happens in isolation in the body and community
New paradigm beliefs
- You are your own doctor and authority
- You are whole (mind, body and soul)
- Healing is a nonlinear journey
- Nature is medicine
- Symptoms are messengers of dysfunction
- Healing happens in community not isolation
- Root cause medicine